
Showing posts from March, 2023

The new Hijab proposal that Iran has suggested contains a $6,000 punishment

  For women who disobey the nation's mandatory hijab legislation, Iranian officials have suggested a new hijab plan that includes penalties of up to 30 billion Iranian Rials ($6,000). Hojjat-ul-Islam Hossein Jalali stated in an interview in the region of Yazd that a fee ranging from 5 million to 30 billion Iranian Rials is part of the legal penalty for donning a hijab. Other sanctions might include the cancellation of drivers' licenses, passports, and internet access for writers, celebs, and social media influencers. Passengers who violate the hijab regulations while travelling in cars, eating out, visiting government buildings, schools, colleges, airports, public transportation hubs, online with celebs, and in streets and other public places will be subject to these fines. Jalali reportedly stated that a measure for a new hijab legislation would be produced within the following two weeks and approved by parliament. The hijab proposal comes in reaction to the widespread demonst

Umm Al-Qura University enters a partnership with 120 businesses to assist travellers

 120 businesses and organisations dedicated to assisting travellers inside the Kingdom have inked an arrangement with Umm Al-Qura University's Institute of Consulting Research and Studies. In order to improve the experience of pilgrims in terms of governance, lodging, dining, transit, and hotel bookings, the agreement concentrates on enacting quality measures. According to the Pilgrim Experience Program 2030's objectives, it also seeks to aid those who provide services during Hajj and Umrah. The programme's main goals are to preserve the Two Holy Mosques, prepare tourism and cultural destinations, and offer the finest services to pilgrims prior to, during, and following their travels to Makkah , Madinah, and other sacred locations.

Minister: Lebanon abandons contentious airport development

  Cash-strapped The transport minister announced on Thursday that Lebanon has cancelled a contract for a second facility at the $122 million project at Beirut's international airport. Public Works and Transportation Minister Ali Hamieh stated on Twitter that Lebanon "will not proceed with the contract" and that the choice was made "following legal controversy." Some had questioned the announcement of such a significant infrastructure project by a caretaker government with limited authority in a nation where ingrained political elites are accused of widespread misconduct. The absence of a bidding process and the Public Procurement Authority's departure from the process were noticed by civil society organisations and legislators. The contract "did not pass through" the regulatory organisation as mandated by a 2021 legislation, according to Jean Ellieh, the authority's head. Ten civil society organizations, including Transparency International Leb

Conflict in Yemen's Marib region causes hundreds to escape

  According to the UN International Organization for Migration, hundreds of Yemenis have been evicted from their homes in the central region of Marib as the Houthis continue to assault government forces. Over the past ten days, fierce fighting between Yemeni forces and the Houthis has taken place in the Merkhah Al-Ulya region, in the southern province of Shabwa, and the Harib district, south of Marib. Scores of fighters have been killed or wounded. The IOM stated that 2,030 families (12,180 people) had been relocated to various Yemeni regions since January, while 235 families (1,410 people) had been uprooted between March 19 and March 25 in Marib, Hodeidah, and Taiz. A UN-mediated cease-fire that went into effect in April of last year led to a significant drop in fighting on the country's battlefields, especially in Marib, as well as a significant drop in domestic displacement and civilian fatalities. However, recent Houthi assaults on government forces in Harib and the first time

To promote tourists, Egypt will grant 5-year visas with numerous entries

  The first multiple entrance visa will be made available by Egypt , and more countries will now be eligible for visas-on-arrival. The Egyptian Minister of Tourism stated this. According to the most recent reports, a single-entry 30-day visa on arrival will cost $25 and be accessible to more than 180 countries. A five-year multiple-entry visa will cost $700. In reference to this, Ahmed Issa, Minister of Tourism and Antiquities, added that among the small number of countries on the list, China and India also have a spot. The aforementioned advancements are a part of a plan to revive tourism, which has been negatively impacted by the COVID-19 epidemic and the Russia-Ukraine conflict. According to reports, the nation welcomed 11.7 million tourists in 2017; this figure is projected to increase by 25 to 30% yearly and could reach 30 million by 2028. Ahmed Issa continued by saying that compared to the first two months of last year, the number of tourists grew by more than 30% in January and

Labor officials look into Palestinian employees' abuse in Israel

  Allegations of mistreatment and abuse of Palestinian employees in Israel are being looked into by the influential International Labor Organization. 93 Palestinian labourers in Israel were killed by the Israeli army in 2022, and an additional 31 have been killed so far this year, according to a dossier that Palestinian officials have given to the organisation's fact-finding committee. The study also covered unlawful working hours, the mistreatment of Palestinian employees at military checkpoints and barriers, and the lack of workplace health and safety regulations. Shaher Saad, secretary-general of the Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions, delivered the file.  Saad also revealed to detectives that the lack of a functioning social security system in Palestine was due to brokers and unlicensed middlemen taking about $34 million in fees out of employees' paychecks each month. Around 170,000 Palestinians from the West Bank and 17,000 from the Gaza Strip are employed in I

Saudi crown prince, in talks with Chinese president, recognises Beijing’s role in renewal of ties with Iran

  Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman held a phone discussion on Tuesday with Chinese president Xi Jinping, where they highlighted the significance of relations the two nations. The crown prince also expressed the Kingdom’s appreciation for the Chinese role and efforts to develop the relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran, For his part, the Chinese president praised the Kingdom’s role in strengthening Beijing’s relations with GCC countries and countries of the Middle East. They discussed elements of the Kingdom's and China's partnership as well as shared initiatives to further their cooperation in a number of areas during the conversation.

Yemeni officials promise to stave off another Houthi attack

  As foreign envoys denounced the militia's latest assault, Yemen's presidential council pledged to oppose the "terrorist" Houthis and urged resistance. The latest Houthi attacks, mainly in Marib and Shabwa, showed, according to the council, which is presided over by Rashad Al-Alimi, that the militia has no intention of putting an end to the conflict. It made a commitment to obstruct their plans and stated that it will support locals in Houthi-controlled regions in their fight against tyranny. The council asked the international community to acknowledge the seriousness of this terrorist uprising, the ongoing smuggling of more Iranian weapons to militias, and the catastrophic effects on worldwide security and peace. It made the commitment to "take all necessary steps to protect public interests and deter terrorist groups," without specifying how it would react. Since the militia assaulted oil infrastructure in the provinces of Hadramout and Shabwa last year,

In response to demonstrations and drones, Canada slaps further sanctions against Iran

  As part of new sanctions on Iran for violating human rights and producing drones and ballistic missiles, the Canadian government announced on Monday that it was focusing on two businesses and eight people. The 10th round of sanctions imposed by Canada against Iran since October targets senior members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and Law Enforcement Forces (LEF) for "gross and systematic human rights violations" in Tehran and northwest Iran, according to a statement from the Canadian Foreign Ministry. According to the ministry, sanctions also target key Iranian officials involved in the manufacture of ballistic missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles. The Islamic Republic's use of drones in Russia's conflict in Ukraine, its nuclear program, and its crackdown on months of anti-government rallies have all contributed to growing tension between Iran and the West. Tehran disputes providing Moscow with drones for the Ukraine War. Foreign Minister Melanie

A group claims the Libyan coast guard shot at the rescue ship.

  A marine rescue organisation said that Libya's coast guard fired warning shots over a humanitarian vessel as it sought to save migrants in a rubber boat off the country's coast. The coast guard then brought back 80 migrants who were headed for Europe to Libya. According to the SOS Mediterranee organization, whose vessel was warned off by the Libyan coast guard, the event Saturday in international seas was the most careless marine interception of migrants by the Libyan coast guard, which is trained and funded by the European Union to stop the flow of migrants to Europe. Requests for response from a coast guard spokesperson went unanswered. The Italian coast guard acknowledged receiving a report about the event but expressed displeasure because SOS Mediterranee failed to report it in accordance with the proper channels. A Libyan coast guard vessel came on the scene as the Ocean Viking, a rescue ship rented and operated by the non-profit SOS Mediterranee, was responding to a dis

Jordan saw a 27.5% decline in child weddings in 2022

  Citing the Sisterhood is Global Institute, there were 27.5 percent fewer child weddings in Jordan in 2018 than there were in 2021. 5,824 fewer children were married in 2017 compared to 8,039 in 2021.  According to a data issued by Jordan's Supreme Judge Department, there were 63,834 marriage contracts last year as opposed to 75,360 in 2021, a 15.2 percent decline.  Jordan's financial situation was mentioned by SIGI as one of the deterrents to getting married.  The same economic circumstances, it said, also reduced the labour force participation of women and raised their jobless rates, according to Roya News. According to SIGI, child marriage is an abusive practise that has to be ended.

Hadiyah, a charity in Saudi Arabia, will provide at least 1.2 million meals throughout Ramadan

  The yearly distribution of iftar and suhoor meals to pilgrims during Ramadan has commenced under the leadership of Hadiyah, the Hajji and Mu'tamer's Gift Charitable Association in Makkah. Additionally, the organisation hopes to distribute at least 1.2 million meals this year. The large-scale distribution would target worshippers at the Prophet's Holy Mosque and Makkah's Grand Mosque. 750 volunteers, according to the organisation, will assist in serving pilgrims throughout the holy month.

After crackdowns, African migrants stranded in Tunisia claim racism still exists

  Many African nationals are still homeless and jobless weeks after Tunisia's brutal crackdown on migrants that led to a dangerous rush to flee via smuggling boats for Italy, and some claim they are still the target of discriminatory assaults. This week, hundreds of African migrants protested in front of the UN refugee agency in Tunis beside the makeshift camp where they have been staying, some of them with children, ever since the government ordered landlords to evict them from their houses. "We must be evacuated. Not safe is Tunisia. When you have this hue, nobody has a future in this place. Josephus Thomas pointed to the skin on his forearm and declared, "It is a crime to have this colour. The African Union referred to President Kais Saied's announcement of the crackdown on Feb. 21 as "racialized hate speech" because he claimed that illegal immigration was a criminal plot to alter Tunisia's demographics. Saied's remarks, according to US Assistant

Iran asks France to respect demonstrators and refrain from using force

  After more than 450 people were detained and almost as many police officers were hurt during protests over pension reforms, Iran urged France on Friday to pay attention to demonstrators and refrain from using force. In the most violent demonstration in a three-month uprising over President Emmanuel Macron's plan to raise the retirement age, protesters and French police officers fought on Thursday. The foreign ministry spokesperson for Iran , Nasser Kanani, tweeted, "The French government must communicate to its people and listen to their opinions. We oppose riots or damage, but we insist that you should listen to your people and abstain from using violence against them rather than wreaking havoc in other nations. Kanani was alluding to criticism of Iran's response to months-long demonstrations brought on by Mahsa Amini's murder after the 22-year-old was arrested for allegedly breaking the Islamic Republic's stringent dress code for women, which also included cond

Reforms have stopped, and the situation in Lebanon is "very dangerous"

  The International Monetary Fund asked the Lebanese government to stop borrowing from the central bank on Thursday, warning that the country was in a very hazardous position a year after making reform commitments that have not been carried out. Ernesto Rigo, head of the IMF mission in Lebanon , stated during a news conference that the government should expedite the fulfilment of the bailout's criteria. He noted the "very slow" development and remarked, "One would have expected more in terms of implementation and approval of legislation." He declared, "Lebanon is in a very dangerous situation." Nearly a year ago, Lebanon signed a staff-level agreement with the IMF, but has yet to fulfil the requirements to obtain a complete program, which is largely seen as essential for its recovery from one of the worst financial crises in history. Since 2019, the currency has lost around 98% of its value against the US dollar, crippling the economy and causing trip

The World Bank Group has announced new parameters for partnership with Egypt

  According to Emirates News Agency, the World Bank Group's board of executive directors approved a new Country Partnership Framework for Egypt on Wednesday. The document outlines Egypt's strategy for the years 2023 to 2027. The new CPF is consistent with Egypt's 2030 Vision, National Climate Change Policy, and Sustainable Development Strategy. It seeks to accomplish three high-level goals. The framework's first goal is to increase the number of employment in the private sector by creating a favorable environment for private sector-led investments and job prospects as well as by leveling the playing field for the private sector. Second, the CPF promotes inclusive, equitable, and enhanced health and education services as well as successful social protection programs in order to increase human capital outcomes. Thirdly, it aims to increase shock resilience by enhancing macroeconomic management and implementing adaptation and mitigation strategies for climate chang

Syria and Saudi Arabia are in talks to reinstate consular services, according to the Saudi Foreign Ministry.

  Saudi Arabia and Syria are negotiating to resume consular exchanges, according to Al-Ekhbariya News on Thursday. "Discussions are continuing with officials in Syria to restore consular services, within the framework of the Kingdom's keenness to ease the provision of necessary consular services between the two nations," a Saudi foreign ministry official was reported by the TV station as saying. The statement was made in reaction to news from international media that had been published earlier on Thursday, according to the source from the foreign ministry, the story said. The measure comes after Saudi Arabia and Iran decided earlier this month to resume diplomatic relations and reopen embassies in both countries as a result of an agreement negotiated by China. In a phone conversation on Wednesday, Hussein Amir Abdollahian, the foreign minister of Iran, and Prince Faisal bin Farhan, the foreign minister of Saudi Arabia, discussed promptly scheduling a bilateral meeting. On

Male custody is the norm in the north Yemen bans women from working in humanitarian relief

  Nine female humanitarians have disclosed that tightened male guardianship laws by Houthi authorities prevent female relief workers in north Yemen from carrying out their duties in the face of one of the greatest humanitarian crises in history. Women are prevented from travelling to supervise humanitarian projects, gather data, and provide health and other services when they refuse to accompany a guardian. Gender-sensitive work is challenging when women do accept one, and assistance funds must shoulder additional expenditures. One health project manager claimed that since the guidelines requiring Yemeni female aid workers to be accompanied by a close male relative — a "mahram" in Arabic — came out a year ago, she has not made any of her usual 15-20 visits a year to projects around the nation. "I don't have many men in my family," she said, adding that some women have trouble finding suitable guardians since her family disapproves of her employment. "A woma

Australian FM Criticizes Iran's Violations of Human Rights

  Foreign Minister of Australia Penny Wong has denounced the regime's violations of Iranian citizens' human rights. She stated in a tweet on Wednesday that she had discussed Iran's ruthless crackdown on demonstrators, the killing of protestors, and the oppression of minorities and women over the phone with her Iranian counterpart, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian. Additionally, she said that "she expressed concerns over foreign interference" in reference to recent claims made to the Australian Parliament, which claimed that Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps operatives had targeted Australian firms with cyberattacks in order to utilize their data for extortion. Iranian Australians will not be watched or harassed in any way. We use every tactic at our disposal, including discussion, to defend human rights in accordance with our principles and interests, she wrote in a tweet. A few days after Canberra announced further sanctions against Iran for breaching human rights and gi

The reopening of embassies and consulates is the topic of a meeting between the Saudi and Iranian foreign ministers

  According to Saudi state media early on Thursday, the foreign ministers of Saudi Arabia and Iran will shortly meet to lay the groundwork for the reopening of embassies and consulates in the two nations. According to reports from the Saudi Press Agency and Al-Ekhbariyah, Hossein Amirabdollahian, the foreign minister of Iran, and Prince Faisal bin Farhan, the foreign minister of Saudi Arabia, reached an agreement over the phone. The ambassadors also wished each other a happy beginning to the holy month of Ramadan. Following years of hostility, the Kingdom and Iran decided on March 10 to reestablish diplomatic ties and reopen their embassies within two months. According to Amirabdollahian, three places have been suggested for the meeting.

Kuwait and the UK discuss strategic issues in London

  In order to improve bilateral ties and collaboration in a number of areas, Kuwait and the UK had their first strategic dialogue session on Monday in London, according to the Kuwait News Agency. Sheikh Salem Abdullah Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, the foreign minister for Kuwait, presided over the delegation while James Cleverly, the British secretary of state for international, commonwealth, and development affairs, led the Kuwaiti side.  Although the globe has undergone substantial change, Kuwaiti-British relations have gotten stronger, according to Cleverly, who spoke at the session. He also praised Kuwait's well-rounded foreign policy, which places an emphasis on fostering regional peace and stability.  Cleverly and Sheikh Salem talked about ways to improve international collaboration as well as the most current regional and global happenings. Additionally, they collaborated on matters like the plight of the Palestinians in the occupied territories and help for Ukraine.

Almadi, a US citizen, gets released from custody by Saudi Arabia

  According to his son, a US citizen who was imprisoned in Saudi Arabia for criticizing the administration of the country on Twitter has been freed but is still prohibited from traveling. In 2022, a criminal court sentenced Saad Ibrahim Almadi, 72, to 16 years in prison. Last month, an appeals court doubled that sentence to 19 years. Ibrahim, his son, has now claimed that his father was there with his family at their house in Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia. All charges have been dismissed, but Ibrahim added that they must now fight the travel ban. Almadi's release was not immediately verified by Saudi or US officials. Almadi, a dual citizen of the United States and Saudi Arabia who was living in retirement in Florida, was detained after arriving in Riyadh in November 2021 on allegations that included sponsoring "terrorism" and attempting to destabilize the monarchy. His situation had exacerbated the already tense ties between the two longtime friends, coupled with

By 2028, Egypt wants to bring in 30 million tourists

  Ahmed Issa, Egypt's Minister of Tourism and Antiquities, is optimistic that the encouraging growth in visitors this year will result in a 30 percent increase by year's end, bringing the total to 15 million. Issa said that during the previous two months, there have been 34% more visitors than there were at the same time last year. The Egyptian-Lebanese Businessmen Association hosted the event, "Tourism and Industry: Promising Opportunities for Economic Development," where he expressed his comments. According to Issa, the Egyptian government has created a new national tourism plan with the aim of tripling the number of travelers to 30 million by 2028. With the private sector, 3,000 business owners, five tourist chambers, and the Egyptian tourist Federation, more effective coordination is being sought. The expected growth rates range from 25 to 30 percent. Issa asserted that achievement by 2028 depends on three factors: increasing services like safeguarding visitors fr

Israel revokes a law that forbade four colonies in the West Bank

  One of the first significant actions by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's hard-right coalition was the Israeli parliament's Tuesday rejection of a law ordering the evacuation of four settlements in the occupied West Bank. The initial law, approved in 2005, called for Israel to withdraw from the Gaza Strip and for the evacuation of four Israeli communities in the northern West Bank. Jewish inhabitants would be permitted to return to these settlements after the repeal, subject to Israeli military clearance. Israel has built some 140 settlements on territory that Palestinians envision as the heart of a future state since the 1967 conflict. In addition to the permitted settlements, groups of settlers have erected a large number of outposts without authorization from the government. The majority of foreign powers view Israeli settlements as illegal under international law and their expansion as a barrier to peace because they encroach on land that the Palestinians want for a fut

Following the Huwara incident, Israel begins an arresting operation in Palestinian cities

  After two Israeli men were injured in an attack in the northern West Bank town of Huwara on Sunday, the Israel Defense Forces detained a number of Palestinians hours after the conclusion of the meeting between Israeli and Palestinian officials in Sharm El-Sheikh, which was presided over by Egypt and was also attended by Jordan and the US. Businesses in Huwara were shut down out of concern about Israeli settlers retaliating assaults, and there was unrest after IDF troops were stationed on the streets. On Monday morning, the IDF assaulted a number of towns and villages in the Jenin governorate and stepped up security around the northern West Bank city of Nablus. A few days before the start of Ramadan, Israeli police detained a number of Palestinian activists in East Jerusalem. Israeli military were extensively stationed within the town and on house rooftops, according to Huwara's mayor Muin Al-Dumaidi, who told Arab News that this prevented store owners from opening their establish

Pre-Ramadan pop-up display in Riyadh honours regional and local companies

  Attending this week's pre-Ramadan pop-up display at Riyadh's Lakum Artspace will let you enjoy art, music, fashion, and coffee, among other benefits. A series of carefully chosen pop-up stores with products from regional and local designers make up the four-day display. The stores provide live art and fashion sketching, as well as courses for those interested in flower arrangement. Also, there are beverages available from Malmoum Café, the studio's own coffee shop. The pop-up exhibition, according to art curator Dana Qabbani, was developed to honour regional businesses and provide a venue for them to showcase their creations. "I wanted to commemorate the achievements of the firms that evolved with us ten years ago," she remarked. These Saudi companies are run by exceptional women and men who have excelled in the domestic and international markets. Tamashee, a well-known, upscale Arabian Gulf footwear company with headquarters in Dubai and a presence in the Kingd

The King of Saudi Arabia invites the President of Iran to visit Riyadh

  The King of Saudi Arabia has extended an invitation to the President of Iran to visit Riyadh, welcoming the agreement between the "two brotherly nations." Celebrating the pact between the "two fraternal nations," King of Saudi Arabia has invited Iran President to visit Riyadh. Iran and Saudi Arabia announced a pact to mend relations seven years after they were cut on March 10. The arrangement was mediated by China. Mohammad Jamshidi, the Iranian president's deputy chief of staff for political affairs, tweeted that the King of Saudi Arabia had hailed the agreement between the two benevolent nations and had extended an invitation for President (Ebrahim) Raisi to visit Riyadh. With the implementation of security and economic cooperation agreements inked more than 20 years ago, Shia-majority Iran and Sunni-majority Saudi Arabia are anticipated to reopen their embassies and posts within two months of the agreement, according to Al Jazeera. Following the Saudi deat

Israeli settlers attack religious leaders and attendees in an East Jerusalem church

  On Sunday, two Israeli settlers attacked clergy members and attendees who were in a church in East Jerusalem. The Church of the Tomb of the Virgin Mary was reportedly attacked by squatters who also hurled insults while attempting to vandalise it. When resident Hamza Ajaj challenged the settlers, one of them was taken into custody while the other escaped. Eyewitness After hearing reports of two settlers storming the church, Bilal Abu Nab claims he hurried to the scene and witnessed one of them yelling while standing on the stairs. The other, armed with a stick that had nails attached, attacked clergy members and worshippers. He also mentioned that one of the clerics had a forehead wound. Locals reported that it took more than 30 minutes for cops to arrive. According to Archbishop Munib Younan, the previous chairman of the Lutheran Union, the attack was the sixth to target Christian holy places in Jerusalem since the year began. He declared: "This attack is reprehensible and oppos

As protests approach their 11th week, Biden phones Netanyahu in Israel to express his "alarm" over the judicial plan

  In order to urge compromise and "express worry" about his government's proposed revamp of the country's judicial system, which has triggered huge protests throughout Israel, President Joe Biden called with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday. In a call that a senior administration official described as "candid and productive," Biden, according to the White House, repeated US concerns about the proposal to remove the judiciary's political independence. After rejecting a compromise provided by the nation's symbolic leader last week, there was no obvious sign that Netanyahu was backing away from the decision. Biden emphasised to Netanyahu that "reforms like these should have as wide consensus as feasible," the person added, who asked to remain anonymous to discuss the leaders' private talk. Netanyahu promised on Sunday that the legislation reforms will be appropriately implemented while upholding the fundamental rights of

Amid strengthening relations, the foreign ministers of Egypt and Turkey meet in Cairo

  Egypt's foreign minister said talks with Turkey on the potential of restoring relations to ambassadorial level will happen at "the opportune moment," during the first visit to Cairo by Ankara's top diplomat since ties collapsed a decade ago. Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu announced during a joint press conference with Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry that Turkey will "as soon as feasible" raise its diplomatic ties with Egypt to ambassadorial status. "I'm delighted to see that we're moving towards restoring relations with Egypt... We will work hard to maintain our relationships in the future, Cavusoglu stated. According to the favourable outcomes it produces, Shoukry stated: "We will come to negotiations (on reinstating ambassadors) at the proper moment." After Mohamed Mursi, a supporter of Ankara and leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, was overthrown by Egypt's then-army chief Abdel Fattah al-Sisi in 2013, relatio

Alcohol is prohibited in Iraq, and demonstrators can be heard shouting, "Iraq is not an Islamic nation," as a result of this

  The import, manufacture, and sale of alcoholic drinks of any type were formally prohibited in Iraq on March 4 in a repetition of a prohibition that was approved in 2016, but whose enforcement was halted at the time owing to significant opposition from secularists and minorities. According to the new law, infractions are punishable by fines ranging from 10 million to 25 million dinars ($7,700–$19,000). The law enacting the prohibition was published in the official gazette of Iraq last month, opening the path for its implementation. Shiite Islamist parties and militias in the so-called Coordination Framework control the coalition of the current Iraqi prime minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani, who took office in October, and support the embargo. Now that the legislation has taken effect, liquor outlets are still operating throughout the nation, including in Baghdad, Erbil, and other cities. Yet, other Iraqis, particularly those who belong to the Yazidi and Christian groups, are voicing the

The head of the Lebanese central bank disputes financial malfeasance

  After a second day of interrogation by European investigators in Beirut as part of an investigation into his personal fortune, the governor of the Lebanese central bank , Riad Salameh, reaffirmed his innocence on Friday. Salameh, 72, is a member of the Lebanese political elite who is generally held accountable for the crippling economic crisis that started in late 2019 and has been labelled one of the worst in recent history by the World Bank. In various investigations in Lebanon and overseas, he is accused of crimes including embezzlement, and authorities are looking into the money he has accumulated over the course of his three decades on the job. Salameh said in a statement that he came as a witness and "not as a suspect or facing charges" after a three-hour hearing on Friday. In a statement, he stated: "Funds from the Lebanese central bank were not moved to my account. The transactions I made overseas, regardless of the amount, were from my own account. The claims

Egypt will host Turkish FM as nations reconcile following a decade-long division

  Turkish foreign minister  Mevlut Cavusoglu will visit Egypt, his service reported Friday, the main such significant level excursion in over 10 years as the nations fix relations harmed directly following the 2011 Bedouin Spring. An assertion from the   Turkish foreign minister   service said Cavusoglu will go to Egypt on Saturday at the greeting of his Egyptian partner, Sameh Shoukry. The clergymen will examine two-sided relations as well as local and global issues. Cavusoglu's outing follows Shoukry's visit to Turkiye's seismic tremor hit locale last month. Political relations among Ankara and Cairo have been cold for very nearly 10 years. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was a nearby partner of Egypt's past Islamist president, Muhammad Mursi, who was expelled by the military in the midst of far reaching fights in 2013.

Khamenei, who was upset, pushed for a Saudi-Iran accord to be signed in China

  Anxious to end its political and financial seclusion, Iran had been going after for quite a long time to reestablish attaches with its long-term rival Saudi Arabia, a Bedouin heavyweight and oil force to be reckoned with. Last September, Iran's Preeminent Chief Ayatollah Ali Khamenei became irritated with the sluggish speed of respective discussions and gathered his group to examine ways of speeding up the interaction, which prompted China's inclusion, two Iranian authorities told Reuters. Beijing's mysterious job in the cutting edge reported last week stirred up elements in the Center East, where the U.S. was for quite a long time the principal middle person, utilizing its security and political muscles. The Chinese showed ability to help both Tehran and Riyadh to limit the holes and conquer irritating issues during the discussions in Oman and Iraq," said an Iranian negotiator associated with the discussions. The arrangement was struck following a seven-year strateg

PKK fighters reportedly aboard unexplained helicopter accident in northern Iraq that claimed 5 lives.

  A baffling helicopter crash in northern Iraq has killed something like five individuals, supposedly including assailants having a place with a prohibited Kurdish revolt bunch, as per explanations Thursday from the Iraqi Kurdish-run counterterrorism organization and the district's leader. The AS350 Eurocopter crashed in the locale of Chamanke in Dohuk territory in Iraq's semi-independent Kurdish district on Wednesday night, the counter-psychological oppression organization said in an explanation posted via web-based entertainment. No less than five travelers were killed, said Lawk Ghafuri, representative for the Kurdish locale's Leader Nechirvan Barzani. "The examinations are continuous by security authorities to decide the responsibility for helicopter," Ghafuri said in a post on Twitter. No less than seven were ready, as indicated by an examiner at the accident scene talking on state of obscurity to examine the examination with the media. The helicopter was con

Animals are monitored by a Saudi wildlife facility using satellite tracking equipment

  Al-Baida Park in Madinah is embracing innovation in a bid to follow the development of its natural life. Abdulrahman Al-Fadli, the Saudi clergyman of climate, water and agribusiness, as of late directed the arrival of exactly 92 wild creatures into the recreation area to assist with enhancing biodiversity, and reestablish ecological equilibrium and help supportability. Also, Dr. Ahmed Al-Bouq, chief general of natural life protection at the Public Community for Natural life Advancement, upholds the idea of utilizing innovation to help the prosperity of the animals at the area. the assessment cycle is the most important phase in any delivery activity. This remembers centering for the delivery region and noticing whether it will help security and on the off chance that it contains the vegetation thickness to help the species. He said: "During the main delivery, we managed 10 species, including the Snow capped ibex, mountain gazelles, vultures, birds, delegated sandgrouses, Europea

Taliban Commitments to Counterterrorism Pose Increasing Doubts

  Regardless of prominent contrasts with the US over many issues, Russia, China and Iran seem to share Washington's interests about illegal intimidation dangers from Afghanistan as they approach the accepted Taliban system to satisfy counterterror commitments. Affirmed psychological oppressor bunches situated in Afghanistan have plotted and executed assaults against Pakistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, as per U.S. authorities. In excess of 20 furnished bunches guarantee to have a presence in the landlocked country. Of specific concern is the dynamic presence in Afghanistan of the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), a guerilla bunch that has guaranteed a few fear monger assaults in Pakistan throughout the course of recent months. Last week, senior ambassadors from Russia, China, Iran, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan assembled in Tashkent to talk about the circumstance in Afghanistan. "The members, bringing up that all psychological militant gatherings situated i

22,000 protesters in Iran are given pardons

Iranian legal specialists have exonerated 22,000 individuals who participated in enemy of government fights, legal executive boss Gholamhossein Mohseni Ejei said on Monday. State media detailed early last month that Preeminent Pioneer Ali Khamenei had exonerated "several thousands" of detainees incorporating a few captured in the fights in a dangerous crackdown on contradict. "Up to this point 82,000 individuals have been exonerated, including 22,000 individuals who partook in (the) fights," Ejei said. He didn't determine over what period the exculpations were conceded or on the other hand if or when individuals had been charged. Iran has been cleared by fights since the demise of a youthful Iranian Kurdish lady in the care of the country's ethical quality police last September. Iranians from varying backgrounds have participated, stamping one of the boldest difficulties to the Islamic Republic since the 1979 upset.  

Iran says more than 100 arrested over school poisonings

  Iran has declared in excess of 100 captures cross country over the secret poisonings of thousands of students, charging that the unidentified asserted culprits might have joins with "antagonistic" gatherings. In the flood of cases since late November, students have endured swooning, sickness, windedness and different side effects subsequent to announcing "undesirable" scents on school premises, with some being treated in emergency clinic. State media detailed late Saturday that the inside service had reported the captures over the thought poison assaults in excess of 200 schools, that have started dread and outrage among students and their folks. "In excess of 100 individuals who were liable for the new school occurrences were distinguished, captured and examined," the service said in a proclamation, conveyed by state news organization IRNA. "Among those captured are individuals with unfriendly thought processes and fully intent on imparting dread i

On May 14, Turkey will conduct presidential and parliamentary elections

  Turkey will hold official and parliamentary races on May 14, the country's Leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan formally reported. "Our country will go to the surveys to choose its leader and parliamentarians on May 14," Erdogan said in a discourse on Friday subsequent to marking the political race choice. The declaration was normal with Erdogan saying in a discourse last week the Turkish country would do "what is fundamental" on the date currently formally reported as final voting day. The races could be the country's most huge vote in many years, with Erdogan's two-decade rule of Turkey in danger. The resistance has joined around Kemal Kilicdaroglu, the head of the second-greatest party in parliament, the Conservative Public's Party (CHP). Be that as it may, another noticeable resistance pioneer, Meral Aksener, at first went against Kilicdaroglu's office as head of the state, voicing her questions last week with respect to whether the previous civil s

The poverty in Lebanon is getting worse because of the electrical problem

  Since the breakdown of Lebanon's state power framework, many center and common families have been compelled to burn through the vast majority of their month to month pay to pay obscure neighborhood financial specialists running confidential generators. In any case, they do without power for almost a portion of the day, as per a report by Common liberties Watch delivered Thursday. The circumstance takes steps to develop the destitution of this minuscule Mediterranean nation entangled in a staggering financial implosion. In the report, the New York-based guard dog archived the battles of north of 1,200 lower-pay families in Lebanon Pushed to the bring of liquidation, the state-run power organization currently gives the Lebanese under three hours of force a day. Most families told HRW they think twice about food, schooling, drugs and other essential requirements to pay for supplemental power. As indicated by the report, generator bills take up around 44% of the typical family's

Rallies Marking International Women's Day Focus on Afghanistan and Iran

  March 8th marks International Women's Day, a global event that celebrates the achievements of women while also highlighting the ongoing struggles for gender equality. This year, rallies were held in cities around the world, with a particular focus on two countries where women's rights are under threat: Afghanistan and Iran. In Afghanistan, the Taliban's return to power has raised fears that the gains made by women in recent years will be rolled back. Under the Taliban's previous rule, women were denied the right to education, employment, and even basic freedoms such as leaving the house without a male chaperone. Although the Taliban has promised to respect women's rights, many Afghan women remain skeptical. To show solidarity with Afghan women, protesters in cities such as London, New York, and Paris carried signs reading "education is a right, not a privilege" and "Afghan women's rights are human rights." They also called on their governme