Egypt will host Turkish FM as nations reconcile following a decade-long division


Turkish foreign minister Mevlut Cavusoglu will visit Egypt, his service reported Friday, the main such significant level excursion in over 10 years as the nations fix relations harmed directly following the 2011 Bedouin Spring.

An assertion from the  Turkish foreign minister  service said Cavusoglu will go to Egypt on Saturday at the greeting of his Egyptian partner, Sameh Shoukry. The clergymen will examine two-sided relations as well as local and global issues.

Cavusoglu's outing follows Shoukry's visit to Turkiye's seismic tremor hit locale last month. Political relations among Ankara and Cairo have been cold for very nearly 10 years. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was a nearby partner of Egypt's past Islamist president, Muhammad Mursi, who was expelled by the military in the midst of far reaching fights in 2013.


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