Turkish airstrike kills 3 Yazidi fighters in northern Iraq


In a Tuesday attack in the Nineveh province of northern Iraq, three Yazidi militiamen connected to the Turkish Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) were murdered.

According to a statement by the Counter-Terrorism Service of Iraq's semi-autonomous Kurdistan region, the incident happened at 5:00 a.m. local time (0200 GMT) when a Turkish aircraft bombarded the headquarters of a Yazidi militia known as the Sinjar Protection Units (YBS) near the town of Sinjar, about 120 km west of Nineveh's provincial capital Mosul. Three militiamen were killed in the attack.

A Yazidi militia called the YBS was established in Iraq in 2007 to defend the Yazidi population there. Strong ties between the organisation and the PKK exist.

Turkey, the US, and the EU have designated the PKK as a "terrorist" organisation. Turkish troops often conduct ground operations, airstrikes, and artillery bombardments against the PKK's locations in northern Iraq, particularly the Qandil Mountains, which serve as their primary base of operations. 


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