Energy and climate cooperation between Saudi Arabia and Germany, according to the ambassador


According to Dieter Lamle, the German ambassador to the Kingdom, collaboration between Saudi Arabia and Germany is particularly important in the fields of hydrogen, energy, and climate.

"Both sides recognise that we need each other. Sun, oil, and wind are all present in Saudi Arabia. We have technology and knowledge, while you have interests that we share. And this cooperation is excellent.

The ambassador reiterated Germany's desire for Vision 2030 to be a success. Hydrogen and renewable energies, according to Lamle, are now the main points of contention between Germany and Saudi Arabia.

Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman, the Saudi Arabian minister of energy, recently visited Germany, according to him, and had productive conversations with Chancellor Olaf Scholz and German business leaders.

To discuss commercial relations between Saudi Arabia and Germany, more than 100 firms requested to meet with the Saudi minister.

During a trip to Saudi Arabia in September of last year, Scholz informed Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman that Germany is prepared to lend the country its expertise and technology.

The German envoy said that the crown prince "was very happy to hear that we are willing to support Saudi Arabia in the development towards 2030."


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