
Conflict rocks Tripoli, the capital of Libya

  During battles between two armed factions supporting the U.N.-backed unity government, gunshots were reported in the capital of Libya . The skirmishes, which started on Sunday night and expanded to numerous Tripoli neighbourhoods, resulted in a number of locals in Tripoli suffering minor injuries. After a 444 Brigade member was taken into custody, combat broke out between members of the Al-Raada Force and the 444 Brigade, two militias that support the Tripoli-based government of temporary prime minister Abdul Hamid Dbeibah. Videos of the violence shared online by social media users were shown on Libyan television and in internet media. The Tripoli Rescue Service said on its Facebook page that an elderly man "was injured in the arm by shrapnel as he fled his home in Ain Zara by car," denouncing the destruction of ambulances during the gunfights. Armoured vehicles and fighters were observed deploying on Sunday in the central Ras Hassan residential neighbourhood and Jrabra Str

Over the previous week, 726 rescued migrants were sent back to Libya: IOM

  According to the International Organisation for Migration (IOM), 726 migrants, including women and children, were saved and sent back to Libya during the course of the previous week. IOM released a statement saying that from May 21 to May 27, 2023, 726 migrants were stopped and sent back to Libya . According to the organisation, a total of 5,784 illegal immigrants have been saved and sent back to Libya so far this year. It also noted that 643 illegal immigrants perished and 332 more disappeared off the coast of Libya on the central Mediterranean route. The 139 illegal immigrants were taken hostage by a criminal trafficking organisation on a farm located around 350 kilometres east of the capital Tripoli, according to the Libyan Interior Ministry on Monday. Many migrants, predominantly Africans, opt to travel from Libya across the Mediterranean Sea to European coasts due to the instability and anarchy that have reigned in the country of North Africa since the overthrow of late leader M

President El-Sisi meets with the leader of the Iraqi Wisdom Movement in Egypt

  Ammar Al-Hakim, the leader of the Iraqi Wisdom Movement, was met by President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi in the presence of Sameh Shoukry, the minister of foreign affairs, Major General Abbas Kamel, the director of the Egyptian General Intelligence Service, and Ahmed Al-Dulaimi, the ambassador of Iraq to Egypt . President El-Sisi confirmed the importance of the close ties that exist between Egypt and Iraq on both a political and social level, as well as Egypt's concern for Iraq's safety, security, and stability. He also affirmed Egypt's support for Iraq's efforts to advance, develop, and progress within the context of Egypt's ongoing interest in initiatives that advance the interests of Iraq's citizens. The President appreciated Ammar Al-Hakim's positive contributions to Iraq's stability and balance. The leader of the Iraqi Wisdom Movement expressed his gratitude for Egypt's position as a crucial pillar for upholding stability in the whole Islamic and Ar

Drone attacks in Libya result in two deaths and MP's nephew being hurt

  Days after claiming that the Tripoli-based government had targeted his residence, the congressman alleged that drone strikes in Libya had killed at least two individuals and injured others, including the MP's nephew. The attacks in Zawiya, a city in western Yemen, were a part of a campaign the government claimed was aimed at smuggling networks. The Government of National Unity (GNU), which has its headquarters in Tripoli, is accused by MPs in the eastern part of the nation of attacking Ali Bouzribah's residence. On Sunday night, Libya's Al-Ahrar station reported that drone attacks had attacked locations in the Al-Maya port close to Zawiya for the second straight day. A footage of a burning boat in a port with a tall column of black smoke coming from it was shown on television. In a Facebook post, Bouzribah said that the attacks on Sunday had left his nephew maimed and two other guys dead.

The Darfur Crisis: Holding Minni Arko Minawi Accountable for Violence and Human Rights Abuses

  Sudan's macroeconomic situation has long been plagued by numerous challenges, including low foreign currency reserves, political instability, a weak exchange rate, and a high inflation rate. Furthermore, the lack of clarity in the 2023 national budget, particularly regarding data related to education, health, and other sectors, has drawn criticism from economists. This article discusses the need for a media campaign against Minni Arko Minawi, the ruler of the Darfur region, due to his alleged incitement of violence and highlights the importance of addressing Sudan's macroeconomic issues. Sudan's current budget heavily relies on the export of gold and livestock, as well as various taxes and levies. While these sectors have the potential to contribute to the country's revenue, overdependence on them poses risks. Fluctuations in global commodity prices and market demand can significantly impact Sudan's fiscal stability. Diversification of the economy is crucial to re

Christian groups appear to be in favour of Jihad Azour running for president of Lebanon

  On Sunday, it was reported that the Free Patriotic Movement, the Lebanese Forces, and the Lebanese Phalanges Party, the three main Christian parties in the Lebanese parliament, were nearing agreement on a presidential candidate. The 57-year-old former finance minister Jihad Azour is one of the likely candidates mentioned for the position. The International Monetary Fund's Middle East and Central Asia Department is now led by Azour. On the eve of his travel to Rome and Paris, Maronite Patriarch Bechara Al-Rahi may have alluded to the consensus in his sermon on Sunday. Al-Rahi voiced the desire for a republican president to be chosen as soon as feasible so that the legal institutions could be set up. "We thank God for what we hear about some consensus among parliamentary blocs regarding the future president," he continued, "so that he does not pose a challenge to anyone, and at the same time possesses a personality that responds to Lebanon's needs today and inspi

Egypt reveals freshly found ancient tombs and workshops in Saqqara necropolis

  Authorities in charge of Egypt's antiquities on Saturday presented ancient tombs and workshops that they claim were recently found at a Pharaonic necropolis west of Cairo. The locations were discovered in the vast Saqqara necropolis, which is a part of Memphis, the former capital of Egypt and a UNESCO World Heritage site. The Supreme Council of Antiquities' secretary-general, Mostafa Waziri, claimed the workshops had been used to mummify both people and revered animals. He claimed that they are from the Ptolemaic era (305 BC to 30 BC) and the 30th Pharaonic Dynasty (380 BC to 343 BC). Archaeologists discovered ceremonial vessels within the workshops in addition to clay pots and other objects that appeared to have been used in mummification, according to Waziri. According to Sabri Farag, director of the Saqqara archaeological site, the tombs were for a senior official from the Old Kingdom and a priest from the New Kingdom. The Egyptian government has been extensively promoting